What we do

Segelman Trust seeks to improve outcomes for children, young people and families facing multiple disadvantage.   We believe that strong relationships and connection are at the heart of change.  

We have a particular focus on supporting people with care experience and strengthening families so that children can remain safely at home.  As opportunities emerge, we invest in projects outside this core focus area where they reimagine the way key social challenges could be addressed. Central to the aims of the Trust is increasing understanding of the challenges people face and expanding capacity to respond effectively.   

The Trust’s support is focused on a limited number of organisations that share our values and that we believe can create positive social change.  To give a sense of our scale, we currently fund 28 organisations and last year we made 13 new grants. Click here to see a list of our current partners. The organisations we fund are led by the experiences of those they support; they are responsive, questioning and ambitious in their goals. 

We work in close consultation with our charity partners, funding partners and other experts to learn about new organisations filling critical gaps and we undertake field research to identify new partners. Unfortunately, due to our limited resources, we are unable to fund many incredible organisations who advance our strategic priorities and grant proposals are by invitation only.